PAPERS *Corresponding authors are underlined. 2024- Park S, Baek SM, Jung HJ, Lee PS, Kim MC. Analysis of 3D dynamic interaction between Hypertube Express (HTX) and its guideway, Structural Engineering and Mechanics (in press).
- Park M, Lee S, Kim KT, Lee PS. Direct calculation of stress RAOs in hydroelastic analysis, Ocean Engineering, 312, 118894, Aug 2024.
- Lee S, Park M, Oh MH, Lee PS. Virtual sensing for real-time strain field estimation and its verification on a laboratory-scale jacket structure under water waves, Computers & Structures, 298, 107344, Jul 2024.
2023- Shin S, Hyun C, Cho S, Lee PS. Multi-sensor data-based anomaly detection and diagnosis of a pumped storage hydropower plant, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 88, 569-581, Dec 2023.
- Kim YH, Cho S, Lee PS. Wave height classification via deep learning using monoscopic ocean videos, Ocean Engineering, 288, 116002, Oct 2023.
- Choi HG, Lee PS. The simplified MITC4+ shell element and its performance in linear and nonlinear analysis, Computers & Structures, 290, 107177, Sep 2023.
- Kim G, Lee PS. Mesh coarsening using the phantom-node method in the phase field model, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 228, 104048, Sep 2023.
- Park M, Lee PS. Integrated hydrostatic and hydrodynamic analysis of flexible floating structures, Ocean Engineering, 288, 114945, May 2023.
- Lee SG, Kim D, Lee PS. Vehicle collision simulation for roadblocks in nuclear power plants using LS-DYNA(LS-DYNA를 이용한 원자력발전소의 로드블록에 대한 차량 충돌 시뮬레이션), Journal of COSEIK, 36(2), 113-120, Apr 2023.
- Jung H, Lee C, Lee PS. Strain-smoothed polygonal finite elements, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 86, 311-324, Mar 2023.
- Kim G, Lee PS. Towards improving the computational efficiency of the phase field model, Computers & Structures, 276, 106951, Mar 2023.
2022- Choi HG, Lee PS. Towards improving the 2D-MITC4 element for analysis of plane stress and strain problems, Computers & Structures, 275, 106933, Oct 2022.
- Lee C, Lee DH, Lee PS. The strain-smoothed MITC3+ shell element in nonlinear analysis, Computers & Structures, 265, 106768, Jun 2022.
- Jung J, Jun H, Lee PS. Self-updated four-node finite element using deep learning, Computational Mechanics, 69, 23-24, Jan 2022.
2021- Hyun C, Lee PS. A load balancing algorithm for the parallel automated multilevel substructuring method, Computers & Structures, 257, 106649, Dec 2021.
- Lee DH, Kim HJ, Lee PS. Direct calculation of interface warping functions for considering longitudinal discontinuities in beams, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 80, 625-643, Dec 2021.
- Kim HJ, Lee DH, Yoon K, Lee PS. A multi-director continuum beam finite element for efficient analysis of multi-layer strand cables, Computers & Structures, 256, 106621, Nov 2021.
- Oh MH, Kim HJ, Yoon K, Lee PS. Direct evaluation of the local stability of structures using nonlinear FE solutions, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 80, 477-490, Nov 2021.
- Park HJ, Seo H, Lee PS. Direct imposition of the wall boundary condition for simulating free surface flows in SPH, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 78, 497-518, May 2021.
- Seo H, Park HJ, Kim J, Lee PS. The particle-attached element interpolation for density correction in smoothed particle hydrodynamics, Advances in Engineering Software, 154, 102972, Apr 2021.
- Lee C, Kim S, Lee PS. The strain-smoothed 4-node quadrilateral finite element, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 373, 113481, Jan 2021.
- Jung J, Yoon K, Lee PS. Deep learned finite elements, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 372, 113401, Dec 2020.
- Muttaqie T, Park SH, Sohn JM, Cho SR, Nho IS, Han S, Lee PS, Cho YS. Experimental investigations on the implosion characteristics of thin cylindrical aluminium-alloy tubes, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 200-201, 64-82, Sep 2020.
- Lee C, Kim J, Cho S. A new design concept for ocean nuclear power plants using tension leg platform, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 76, 367-378, Jul 2020.
- Kim HJ, Yoon K, Lee PS. Continuum mechanics based beam elements for linear and nonlinear analyses of multi-layered composite beams with interlayer slips, Composite Structures, 235, 111740, Mar 2020.
- Hyun C, Boo SH, Lee PS. Improving the computational efficiency of the enhanced AMLS method, Computers & Structures, 228, 106158, Feb 2020.
2019 - Yoon K, Kim HJ, Yeo S, Hong Y, Cha J, Chung H. Ballasting plan optimization for operation of a 2D floating dry dock, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 74, 521-532, Dec 2019.
- Lee C, Lee PS. The strain-smoothed MITC3+ shell finite element, Computers & Structures, 223, 106096, Oct 2019.
- Kim JH, Boo SH, Lee PS. A dynamic condensation method with free interface substructuring, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 129, 218-234, Aug 2019.
- Kim S, Lee PS. New enriched 3D solid finite elements: 8-node hexahedral, 6-node prismatic, and 5-node pyramidal elements, Computers & Structures, 216, 40-63, Mar 2019.
- Zhao Y, Lee PS, Chung H. Effect of pulsing parameters on drop transfer dynamics and heat transfer behavior in pulsed gas metal arc welding, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 129, 1110-1122, Feb 2019.
2018 - Lee C, Lee PS. A new strain smoothing method for triangular and tetrahedral finite elements, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 341, 939-955, Nov 2018.
- Kim SH, Woo H, Choi GG, Yoon K. A new concept for blast hardened bulkheads with attached aluminum foam, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 65, 243-250, Nov 2018.
- Jun H, Yoon K, Lee PS, Bathe KJ. The MITC3+ shell element enriched in membrane displacements by interpolation covers, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 337, 458-480, Aug 2018.
- Kim S, Lee PS. A new enriched 4-node 2D solid finite element free from the linear dependence problem, Computers & Structures, 202, 25-43, Jun 2018.
- Park SG, Jeong YC, Kim DG, Lee MH, Shin A, Park G, Ryoo J, Hong J, Bae S, Kim CH, Lee PS, Kim D, Medial preoptic circuit induces hunting-like actions to non-social objects and prey, Nature Neuroscience, 21, 364-372, Mar 2018.
- Boo SH, Kim JH, Lee PS. Towards improving the enhanced Craig-Bampton method, Computers & Structures, 196, 63-75, Feb 2018.
- Kim J, Boo SH, Lee PS. Considering the higher-order effect of residual modes in the Craig-Bampton method, AIAA Journal, 56(1), 403-412, Jan 2018.
2017 - Ko Y, Lee Y, Lee PS, Bathe KJ. Performance of the MITC3+ and MITC4+ shell elements in widely-used benchmark problems, Computers & Structures, 193, 187-206, Dec 2017.
- Ko Y, Lee PS, Bathe KJ. A new 4-node MITC element for analysis of two-dimensional solids and its formulation in a shell element, Computers & Structures, 192, 34-49, Nov 2017.
- Yoon K, Lee PS, Kim DN. An efficient warping model for elastoplastic torsional analysis of composite beams, Composite Structures, 178, 37-49, Oct 2017.
- Kim SY, Lee PS. Modeling of helically stranded cables using multiple beam elements and its application to torque balance design, Construction and Building Materials, 151, 591-606, Oct 2017.
- Kim JH, Kim J, Lee PS. Improving the accuracy of the dual Craig-Bampton method, Computers & Structures, 191, 22-32, Oct 2017.
- Choi G, Jung K, Son SJ, Kim JC, Lee PS. Underwater explosion experiments using pentolite (펜톨라이트를 이용한 수중폭발 실험), Journal of KSEBE (대한화약발파공학회), 35(3), 21-30, Sep 2017.
- Ko Y, Lee PS. A 6-node triangular solid-shell element for linear and nonlinear analysis, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 111(13), 1203-1230, Sep 2017.
- Ko Y, Lee PS, Bathe KJ. The MITC4+ shell element in geometric nonlinear analysis, Computers & Structures, 185, 1-14, Jun 2017.
- Yoon JS, Lee PS. Towards hydro-elastoplastic analysis of floating plate structures, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 71, 164-182, May 2017.
- Kim DG, Lee S, Kim CH, Jo S, Lee PS. Parasitic robot system for turtle's waypoint navigation, Journal of Bionic Engineering, 14(2), 327-335, Apr 2017.
- Yoon K, Kim DN, Lee PS. Nonlinear torsional analysis of 3D composite beams using the extended St. Venant solutions, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 62(1), 33-42, Apr 2017.
- Boo SH, Lee PS. An iterative algebraic dynamic condensation method and its performance, Computers & Structures, 182, 419-429, Apr 2017.
- Ko Y, Lee PS, Bathe KJ. A new MITC4+ shell element, Computers & Structures, 182, 404-418, Apr 2017.
- Boo SH, Lee PS. A dynamic condensation method using algebraic substructuring, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 109(12), 1701-1720, Mar 2017.
- Kim CH, Kim DG, Kim D, Lee PS. Directing turning behavior of carp using virtual stimulation, Ocean Systems Engineering, 7(1), 39-51, Mar 2017.
2016 - Lee KH, Lee PS. Nonlinear hydrostatic analysis of flexible floating structures, Applied Ocean Research, 59, 165-182, Sep 2016.
- Kim CH, Choi B, Kim DG, Lee S, Jo S, Lee PS. Remote navigation of turtle by controlling instinct behavior via human brain-computer interface, Journal of Bionic Engineering, 13, 491-503, Jul 2016.
- Kim JG, Boo SH, Lee CO, Lee PS. On the computational efficiency of the error estimator for Guyan reduction, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 305, 759-776, Jun 2016.
- Ko Y, Lee PS, Bathe KJ. The MITC4+ shell element and its performance, Computers and Structures, 169, 57-68, Jun 2016.
- Boo SH, Kim JG, Lee PS. Error estimation for the automated multi-level substructuring method, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 106, 927-950, Jun 2016.
- Boo SH, Kim JG, Lee PS. A simplified error estimator for the CB method and its application to error control, Computers and Structures, 164, 53-62, Feb 2016.
2015 - Yoon K, Lee PS, Kim DN. Geometrically nonlinear finite element analysis of functionally graded 3D beams considering warping effects, Composite Structures, 132, 1231-1247, Nov 2015.
- Lee KH, Kim MG, Lee JI, Lee PS. Recent advances in ocean nuclear power plants, Energies, 8(10), 11470-11492, Oct 2015.
- Kim JG, Lee PS. A posteriori error estimation method for the flexibility-based component mode synthesis, AIAA Journal, 53, 2828-2837, Oct 2015.
- Kim J, Kim JG, Yun G, Lee PS, Kim DN. Towards modular analysis of supramolecular protein assemblies, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 11, 4260-4272, Aug 2015.
- Lee KH, Cho S, Kim KT, Kim JG, Lee PS. Hydroelastic analysis of floating structures with liquid tanks and comparison with experimental tests, Applied Ocean Research, 52, 167-187, Aug 2015.
- Kim JG, Lee PS. An enhanced Craig-Bampton method, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 103(2), 79-93, Jul 2015.
- Kim JY, Yoon JS, Lee PS, Kim YS. Damage assessment of bridges caused by Tsunami (지진해일에 의한 교량의 피해유형 분석), Journal of KOSHAM, 15(3), 1-8, Jun 2015.
- Lee Y, Jeon HM, Lee PS, Bathe KJ. The modal behavior of the MITC3+ triangular shell element, Computers and Structures, 153, 148-164, Jun 2015.
- Bilin Zhang, Boo SH, Kim JG. A new block assembly method for shipbuilding at sea, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 54, 999-1016, Apr 2015.
- Kim JG, Boo SH, Lee PS. An enhanced AMLS method and its performance, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 287, 90-111, Apr 2015.
- Jeon HM, Lee Y, Lee PS, Bathe KJ. The MITC3+ shell element in geometric nonlinear analysis, Computers and Structures, 146, 91-104, Jan 2015.
2014 - Kim YY, Choi KJ, Chung H, Han S, Lee PS. A ship-to-ship automatic docking system for ocean cargo transfer, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 19, 360-375, Dec 2014.
- Yoon K, Lee PS. Nonlinear performance of continuum mechanics based beam elements focusing on large twisting behaviors, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 281, 106-130, Nov 2014.
- Kim MG, Lee KH, Lee PS, Kim SG, Woo IG, Han JH, Lee JI. Conceptual studies of construction and safety enhancement of ocean SMART mounted on GBS, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 278, 558-572, Oct 2014.
- Kim JG, Lee PS. An accurate error estimator for Guyan reduction, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 278, 1-19, Aug 2014.
- Kim JG, Lee KH, Lee PS. Estimating relative eigenvalue errors in the Craig-Bampton method, Computers and Structures, 139, 54-64, Jul 2014.
- Lee Y, Lee PS, Bathe KJ. The MITC3+ shell finite element and its performance, Computers and Structures, 138, 12-23, Jul 2014.
- Yoon JS, Cho SP, Jiwinangun RG, Lee PS. Hydroelastic analysis of floating plates with multiple hinge connections in regular waves, Marine Structures, 36, 65-87, Apr 2014.
- Jeon HM, Lee PS, Bathe KJ. The MITC3 shell finite element enriched by interpolation covers, Computers and Structures, 134, 128-142, Apr 2014.
- Kim JG, Cho S, Kim KT, Lee PS. Hydroelastic design contour for the preliminary design of very large floating structures, Ocean Engineering, 78, 112-123, Mar 2014.
- Yoon K, Lee PS. Modeling the warping displacement fields for discontinuously varying arbitrary cross-section beams, Computers and Structures, 131, 56-69, Jan 2014.
2013 - Kim KT, Lee PS, Park KC. A direct coupling method for 3D hydroelastic analysis of floating structures, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 96(13), 842-866, Dec 2013.
- Hong WT, Lee PS. Coupling flat-top partition of unity method and finite element method, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 67, 43-55, May 2013.
- Lee S, Kim CH, Kim DG, Kim HG, Lee PS, Myung H. Remote guidance of untrained turtles by controlling voluntary instinct behavior, PLOS ONE, 8(4), Apr 2013.
- Hong WT, Lee PS. Mesh based construction of flat-top partition of unity, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 219(16), 8687-8704, Apr 2013.
- Lee K, Lee KH, Lee JI, Jeong YH, Lee PS. A new design concept for offshore nuclear power plants with enhanced safety features, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 254, 129-141, Jan 2013.
2012 - Yoon KH, Lee YG, Lee PS. A continuum mechanics based 3-D beam finite element with warping displacements and its modeling capabilities, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 43-4, 411-437, Sep 2012.
- Lee YG, Yoon KH, Lee PS. Improving the MITC3 shell finite element by using the Hellinger-Reissner principle, Computers and Structures, 110-111, 93-106, Sep 2012.
- Thanh CD, Zi G, Lee PS, Rabczuk T, Song JH. Phantom-node method for shell models with arbitrary cracks, Computers and Structures, 92-93, 242-256, Feb 2012.
2011 - Kim YY, Choi KJ, Chung H, Lee PS. Axiomatic design study for automatic ship-to-ship mooring system for container operations in open sea, Ocean Systems Engineering, 1(2), 157-169, Jun 2011.
- Bathe KJ, Lee PS. Measuring the convergence behavior of shell analysis schemes, Computers and Structures, 89(3-4), 285-301, Feb 2011.
2010 - Lee PS, Noh HC. Inelastic buckling behavior of steel members under reversed cyclic loading, Engineering Structures, 32(9), 2579-2595, Sep 2010.
- Lee JH, Yoon SJ, Chung H, Lee PS. The conceptual design of semi-submersible type mobile harbor using axiomatic design principles (공리설계를 이용한 반잠수식 모바일하버의 개념설계), Journal of Korea Society of CAD/ CAM Engineers, 15(3), 189-203, Jun 2010.
- Zi G, Kim JG, Lee SO, Lee PS. Development of a design chart for the initial design stage of very large floating structures (초대형 부유식 해상구조물의 설계를 위한 설계차트 개발), Journal of KSCE, 30(2B), 315-324, May 2010.
- Lee PS, Bathe KJ. The quadratic MITC plate and MITC shell elements in plate bending, Advances in Engineering Software, 41(5), 712-728, May 2010.
2009 1999-2008 - Lee PS, Noh HC, Choi CK. Geometry-dependent MITC method for a 2-node iso-beam element, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 29(2), 203-221, May 2008.
- Noh HC, Lee PS. Higher order weighted integral stochastic finite element method and simplified first-order application, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 44(11-12), 4120-4144, Jun 2007.
- Lee PS, McClure G. Elastoplastic large deformation analysis of a lattice steel tower structure and comparison with full-scale tests, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 63(5), 709-717, May 2007.
- Lee PS, Noh HC. On the finite element analysis of shell structures (쉘 구조물의 유한요소해석에 대하여), Journal of KSCE, 27(3A), 277-289, May 2007.
- Lee PS, Noh HC, Bathe KJ. Insight into 3-node triangular shell finite elements: the effects of element isotropy and mesh patterns, Computers and Structures, 85(7-8), 404-418, Apr 2007.
- Noh HC, Lee PS. Random variable state and response variability (확률변수상태와 응답변화도), Journal of KSCE, 26(6A), 1001-1011, Nov 2006.
- Lee PS, McClure G. A general 3D L-section beam finite element for elastoplastic large deformation analysis, Computers and Structures, 84(3-4), 215-229, Jan 2006.
- Lee PS, Bathe KJ. Insight into finite element shell discretizations by use of the “basic shell mathematical model”, Computers and Structures, 83(1), 69-90, Jan 2005.
- Lee PS, Bathe KJ. Development of MITC isotropic triangular shell finite elements, Computers and Structures, 82(11-12), 945-962, May 2004.
- Bathe KJ, Chapelle D, Lee PS. A shell problem ‘highly-sensitive’ to thickness changes, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 57(8), 1039-1052, Jun 2003.
- Bathe KJ, Lee PS, Hiller JF. Towards improving the MITC9 shell element, Computers and Structures, 81(8-11), 477-489, May 2003.
- Lee PS, Bathe KJ. On the asymptotic behavior of shell structures and the evaluation in finite element solutions, Computers and Structures, 80(3-4), 235-255, Feb 2002.
- Choi CK, Lee PS, Park YM. A 4-node non-conforming flat shell element with drilling degree of freedom (면내회전자유도를 가지는 4절점 비적합 평면 쉘요소의 개발), Journal of KSCE, 19(I-5), 663-673, Sep 1999.
- Choi CK, Lee PS, Park YM. Defect-free 4-node flat shell element: NMS-4F element, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 8(2), 207-231, Aug 1999.
- Anti-wrinkle apparatus of flexible display (플렉서블 디스플레이의 주름 방지 장치), 2022.
- Fluid outflow blocking apparatus by using water glider (수중 글라이더를 이용한 파공봉쇄장치), 2022.
- Rollable display apparatus (롤러블 디스플레이 장치), 2021.
- Method and system for fault diagnosis of pump-turbines based on machine learning (기계학습 기반 펌프수차 고장 진단 방법 및 시스템), 2021.
- Marine nuclear plant and installation method of it (해양 원자력 플랜트 및 그 시공 방법), 2019.
- Apparatus for blocking fluid outflow in vessel accident (선박 유체 유출사고 대응을 위한 파공봉쇄 장치), 2019.
- Marine nuclear plant using gbs hull and its installing method (GBS 선체를 이용한 해상 원자력 발전플랜트 및 설치방법), 2019.
- Marine nuclear power plant and installation method of it (해양 원자력 발전플랜트 및 그 시공방법), 2019.
- Sensor apparatus and fence apparatus using the same (센서 장치와 이를 이용한 펜스 장치), 2018.
- Apparatus for automatic blocking outflow of oil or fluid in vessel (선박의 유체 유출 자동차단장치), 2018.
- Method for controlling behavior of animals using object seeking behavior (오브젝트 탐닉행동을 활용한 동물행동 조절 방법), 2018.
- Emergency power supply system and method for nuclear power plants (원자력발전소 비상전력 공급 시스템 및 그 방법), 2017.
- Shock absorbing sandwich panel and method of manufacturing the same (충격흡수 샌드위치 패널 및 그의 제조 방법), 2017.
- Sea floating wind generating device with tidal adaptation (조류 순응형 해상 부유식 풍력발전장치), 2016.
- Nuclear fuel loading system and method in floating type nuclear plant (부유식 해양원전 핵연료 장전 시스템 및 방법), 2016.
- Modularized floating type nuclear plant system (모듈화된 부유식 해양원전 시스템), 2016.
- Apparatus for stopping fluid spillage in vessel accident and method using the same (선박 사고 시 유체유출 차단장치 및 방법), 2015.
- Mooring system for a vessel, 2014. European Patent.
- Safety system of ocean system-integrated modular advanced reactor (해상 소형 원전용 안전시스템), 2014.
- Cooling system for nuclear power plant by using sea water (해수를 이용한 원전 비상냉각 시스템), 2014.
- Mooring system for a vessel and floating body and quay wall including the same, 2014. Chinese Patent.
- Ship for installing sea wind power generator and method using the same (해상풍력 발전장치의 설치 방법 및 설치 선박), 2014.
- Method for constructing ship on the sea and connecting block used therein (해상에서 선박을 접합하는 방법 및 그 방법에 이용되는 연결블록), 2014.
- Module-structured marine nuclear power plant (모듈화된 해양원전 시스템), 2014.
- Apparatus and method for induction of animal moving (동물 이동 유도 장치 및 방법), 2013.
- Mooring system for a vessel, 2013. U.S. Patent.
- Independently controlled multi-stage hydraulic cylinder and mooring system using the cylinder (독립 제어되는 다단 유압 실린더 및 이를 이용한 선박의 계류 시스템), 2012.
- Mooring system for a vessel and floating structure, mobile harbor and quay using it (선박의 계류 시스템, 이를 이용한 부유체, 이동항구 및 안벽). 2012.
- Docking apparatus with a variable fender (가변 펜더를 구비하는 접안 장치와 접안장치가 장착된 부유체 및 이동항구). 2012.
- Method and apparatus for control of a living thing (생물체 조종 방법 및 장치), 2012.
- Method and apparatus for movement control of a living thing (생물체 이동 조종 방법 및 장치), 2012.
- Loading and unloading equipment of a mobile harbor and method thereof (이동항구의 선적 및 하역장치와 이를 이용한 방법), 2012.
- Semi-submersible mobile harbor and method for transporting containers using the same (반잠수식 모바일하버 및 이를 이용한 화물 운송 방법), 2012.
- Mobile portal crane and vessel with the crane (모바일 포탈 크레인 및 이를 장착한 선박), 2012.
- Apparatus for controlling rolling for floating body (해상부유물의 동요 방지장치), 2012.
- Pure oxygen combustion system using heat exchange (열교환을 이용한 순산소 연소 시스템), 2012.
- Self-energy generating electrolytic protection system (자가 발전형 전기방식 시스템), 2011.
- Apparatus for connecting concrete blocks of a floating structure in sea (부유식 구조물의 블록간 연결장치), 2011.
- Continuous launching method of floating structure from land to sea (육상에서 해상으로 부유식 구조물 연속 진수), 2011.
- Concrete inner mold using an air pressure (공기압을 이용한 콘크리트 내부거푸집), 2011.
- Apparatus and the method for continuously connecting precast concrete blocks on the sea (프리캐스트 콘크리트 블록의 해상 연결장치 및 방법), 2011.
- Lock-up appararus of ship with buoyant berth (부유식 접안시설용 선박 고정장치), 2011.
- A bridge structure of floating type (부유식 교량 구조), 2010.
- Apparatus for connecting floating structures in sea (해상에서의 부유식 구조물 연결장치), 2010.
- Mooring method enhancing the side retaining force of a floating structure (부유식 구조물의 횡 지지력 보강 계류방법), 2010.
- Construction method for floating structures in the sea (해상에서의 부유식 구조물 제작방법), 2010.
- A floating type structure and its constructing method responding to flood water level (홍수위에 대응 가능한 부유식 구조물 및 그 시공방법), 2010.
- Buoyancy maintaining method of floating concrete structure (부유식 콘크리트 구조물의 부력 유지방법), 2010.
- Falling down method of floating concrete block manufactured on the sea (해상 제작된 부유식 콘크리트 블록의 전도 방법), 2009.
- Manufacturing method of floating concrete block on the sea (부유식 콘크리트 블록의 해상제작방법), 2009.
- Containing system using floating structure (부유식 저장시설), 2009.
- Module type tuned mass damper (모듈형 동조질량감쇠기), 2008.